
更新时间: 2024-04-28 11:39:40

1.Celebrate the Spring Festival, celebrate the festival, congratulations on making a fortune! Happy new year, everything goes well. 贺新春,庆佳节,恭喜发财!过年好,万事顺,事事如意!

2.centered on family happiness as the radius, draw thousands of a complete family! 以家庭为圆心,以幸福为半径,画出千千万万个阖家圆满!

3.Dear friends, let\'s wait quietly for the future, hope and light, and the bell of the New Year that will ring soon! 亲爱的朋友,让我们一起静静地等待未来,希望和光明以及马上就要敲响的新年的钟声!

4.May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。

5.On this special day I send you New Year\'s greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. 祝你今后获得更大成就。

6.Hope everything will be ok in the coming New Year.祝你在即将到来的新年里一切顺利

7.I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.我跟你一起高兴,祝你健康长寿,生活充满诗情画意。

8.Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。

9.Thoughts of you like curling smoke endless, blessings to you like babbling water with a lifetime, I wish you a happy New Year! 对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福如潺潺的流水伴随一生一世,祝您新年大吉!

10.Good luck to the New Year\'s holiday, ferro longevity in the door! I wish you good luck and all the best! 新春佳节好运到,福禄寿星进门来!愿你好运连连,事事如意!

11.From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐!

12.May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!愿新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!

13.Xing, goodsky, everything. Family circle, the circle, everything is round. 家兴,国兴,事事兴。家圆,国圆,事事圆。

14.The Spring Festival arrives, the God of wealth arrives, the God of fortune accompanies my short message arrival! The new year is more precious, and next year life will be more beautiful. 新春到,财神到,幸运之神伴随我的短消息到!新的一年更加珍重,明年生活锦上添花。

15.Black eyes, straight nose, head domesticated hen Han Han\'s face makes me want to get to sleep at night. Multi want to touch you, hug you want more, you want to see more Diao root Sahuan bones in the sun: You are my beloved little dog!黑黑的眼睛直直的鼻,绒绒的脑袋憨憨的脸让我想得夜难眠。多想摸摸你,多想抱抱你,多想看你在阳光下叼根骨头撒欢:你就是我心爱的小狗狗!

16.Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful New Year season.愿你拥有新年所有美好的祝福.3. Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.祝节日幸福如意.

17.I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

18.I look forward to your class after the new year.我期待着新年过后,再上您的课。

19.Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

20.May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地愿你幸福、快乐、成功!